Komal Kaur

Artist's Statement:
I've been lucky enough to be able to take at least one visual arts class during each of my four years at Ellis. Each year, these classes taught me something new.
Creativity, self-assurance, boldness, and organization are just some of the many key skills that my visual arts classes have helped me to master. I will forever be grateful to all of my arts teachers who gave me room to learn and grow in their classrooms. I came to Ellis having very little confidence in my artistic ability, but throughout my time here, art has slowly become a vital part of my life. I've stuck with clay during 3 out of my 4 years here and Ms. Sturdevant has taught me so many values and skills that can be applied to clay and to life as well. I will forever be grateful for everything I've gained at Ellis, but particularly the skills I've learned from my incredible arts teachers.