Natasha Kossovsky, Class of 2018

From the Lower School musical to Kilt Deconstruction Day, Natasha Kossovsky, Class of 2018, has been an Ellis girl since kindergarten. After thirteen years in the signature plaid, Natasha is preparing to hang up her kilt and head East to attend the University of Pennsylvania. The co-president of the Model UN club and an active researcher at the Casos Lab at Carnegie Mellon University, Natasha will study Korean and computer science in the fall.
How has your all-girls education impacted you? What do you think is special about attending an all-girls school like Ellis?
Because of the small, all-girls environment, I’ve felt so comfortable and free at Ellis. I’ve had so many opportunities to take on leadership roles which have made me more confident in myself. I’ve had the chance to lead in class and in Model UN and through that I’ve really learned to speak freely and comfortably. The supportive environment at Ellis has offered me a lot of opportunities to develop my confidence and it’s something that I’ll take with me forever.

What does ‘Esse Quam Videri’ mean to you?
To be who you are. To not put on any fronts and not strive to be anyone else. To always strive to be the best you.

What do you plan to study in college? Why?
I am double majoring in Korean and computer science. I’ve been interested in both for a long time—I like both computational and conversational languages. I’m interested in natural language processing and how human languages are interpreted.  

If you had to write a graduation speech about your time at Ellis, what would you say?
I would talk about how unique the Ellis experience is. It’s so unique because of all of the people you meet. The teachers are so passionate about what they teach and the students are all so different. At Ellis, no one is striving to fit into the mold of one kind of person. Everyone has their own passions and and that makes for a really interesting and unique experience.

What advice would you offer to future seniors?
I would tell them that senior year is not about the college process. It’s about enjoying your last year at Ellis before a major transition in your life occurs. It’s important to always remember that.

What is your best Ellis memory?
There are so many! A lot of the big ones that come to mind are the different trips we’ve gone on. The one that stands out the most is the class trip to Ligonier in sixth grade. It really was when our class starting forming a tight bond as a lot of people were coming to Ellis in fifth and sixth grade. I fondly remember the late night card games in our room!

How would you describe yourself in three words?
Adventurous. Curious. Creative.

What woman inspires you and why?
Jodie Whittaker, the thirteenth Doctor on Dr. Who! It was such a big thing for the franchise to pick a woman when so many people already have an idea of what or who the doctor should be. She’s received a lot of hate because the show has been male-dominated for 50 years. I’m really looking forward to seeing her take on the Doctor.

How do you spend your free time?
Studying Korean and really immersing myself in the Korean culture. I follow Korea’s current events, listen to the music, and watch Korean TV shows. I first got interested in Korean culture through music and didn’t necessarily want to learn the language. But then I started watching Korean variety shows and really wanted to understand the jokes!

Fill in the blank: “I will always remember…”
The interactions between Meg Wolfe and Mr. Malmstrom.

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