Grade Three

Students in grade three will be grouped into two teams of 9–10 students, each with one teacher.  Each team has its own classroom space where they will spend the majority of their day. The two separate teams will not interact indoors during the course of the school day, but teachers will move between the two classroom spaces. Each student will have her own desk that is spaced apart from other students. Students will have lunch in their classrooms and some specials.  Students will also visit specialists’ classrooms over the course of the week. Grade three students will share a bathroom with the grade four students. The bathroom is down the hall from their classroom and only one student will be allowed to visit the bathroom at a time. For outdoor recess, all of the grade three students will be allowed to play together because the entire group does not exceed 25 people. During after-school hours, grade three students will be grouped together. 

Remote learners will have live access via Zoom to the team meeting, literacy lesson, and math lesson each day. There will also be live access to a minimum of two specials per week. Using a combination of SeeSaw and Google Classroom, teachers will post a plan of at-home assignments for remote students to complete for the week. Additionally, there will be a brief, daily check-in with each student who is learning from home. 