
Students in kindergarten will be grouped into two teams that will not interact with each other during the course of the day. Each team will have 13–15 students and two teachers. We will continue our practice of small group reading instruction by bringing in an additional teacher during reading class. Each team will have its own classroom space that includes a bathroom. The majority of the kindergarten program, including lunch, will take place in the classrooms. Within their classroom, students will sit two to a table or in a wide circle on the carpet. Over the course of the week, some specials will occur in the classroom, but students will also leave their classrooms to visit the specialists’ classrooms. Students will have outdoor recess twice a day.  During outdoor play, the two teams will remain separate, playing in different areas. After-school care will occur in these same classroom spaces which enables us to keep the students on their teams, separate from other students.  

Remote learners will have live access via Zoom to the team meeting, literacy lesson, and math lesson each day. There will also be live access to a minimum of two specials per week. Using a combination of SeeSaw and Google Classroom, teachers will post a plan of at-home assignments for remote students to complete for the week. Additionally, there will be a brief, daily check-in with each student who is learning from home. 